Trou Aux Cerfs

Published on : 2022 - Sep - 10

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Mauritius Blog

Features information that is relevant to travellers who are thinking about and actively planning a visit to Mauritus.

Trou Aux Cerfs crater

Trou aux Cerfs, also known as Murr's Volcano, is a dormant volcano with a well-defined cone and crater. The volcano has been dormant for the last 100,000 years. It is 605 m high and located in Curepipe, . The crater has a diameter of between 300 and 350 meters and is 80 meters deep. The crater was formed less than 2 million years ago in the second phase of volcanic activity that created Mauritius.

The volcano is currently dormant but experts think that it could become active at any time within the next thousand years. Water and silt have clogged the crater, making it inaccessible. The area immediately around the crater edge has been substantially developed, with a road ringing the entire perimeter.

Trou Aux Cerfs crater
Trou Aux Cerfs crater

Apart from the obvious tropical allure and a clutch of tourist hotspots, the island holds many underestimated sights, perfect for the traveler who enjoys taking the road less traveled.

Trou aux Cerfs offers 360-degree panoramic views. From here, you can overlook Curepipe and the gorgeous , , and the . It is a photographer's paradise.  Trou aux Cerfs' crater is surrounded by lush green shrubs, bushes and pine trees.

Trou Aux Cerfs crater
Trou Aux Cerfs crater

Trou aux Cerfs is accessible from La Hausse de la Louvière Road, the Edgar Huges Road and from Crater Lane. Here you should find parking easily enough so that you can make your way to the site. The crater itself is only accessible via a steep embankment which can be very dangerous, especially when the path is wet, so you have to be very careful if you decide to take it.

Park and Casino de Maurice are two near this place.


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