Rodrigues Island

Published on : 2023 - Jun - 03

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Mauritius Blog

Features information that is relevant to travellers who are thinking about and actively planning a visit to Mauritus.

Rodrigues Island

Rodrigues is a 108 sq km (42 sq mi) autonomous outer island of the Republic of in the Indian Ocean. Rodrigues is of volcanic origin and is surrounded by coral reefs with some tiny uninhabited islands off its coast.

Its inhabitants are Mauritian citizens. It gained autonomous status on 10 December 2002, and it is governed by the . The capital of the island is . The island forms part of the larger territory of the Republic of Mauritius with the President as head of state and the Chief Commissioner as head of government.

In 2002, when it became an autonomous region of Mauritius, the island was made the seat of the . Despite gaining autonomous status Rodrigues is financially dependent upon its sister island.

Despite its small size, Rodrigues has so much to offer to the visitors. The language of Rodrigues is French based creole pidgin. The French language is mostly used by the local media. English is usually used in official documents and at the Regional Assembly. There are also some oriental languages such as Hindi and Bhojpuri spoken by the very few.

ADSL and WI-Fi Internet are accessible. There are also a number of free WI-Fi Spots, provided by the government.There are two mobile phone networks which serve the island, with access to international roaming.

Public buses run to the remotest corners of the island. There are also car, scooter, and motorcycle rental services available in the city. Taxi cabs are available and a number of them are stationed in the surroundings of the hotels.

The population of Rodrigues is estimated to be 41, 669 of inhabitants, with the vast majority being Creoles. You can also find Chinese traders and some Indian civil servants coming from Mauritius. The main is Roman Catholicism with small minorities of other religions like Jehovah's Witnesses, Hindus, Muslims and Buddhists.

Rodrigues Island Boats
Rodrigues Island Boats

Here, women play an active part in the economy. You can find them in the fields, at the market and even at the sea.

Most of the economic activities of Rodrigues are fishing, stock breeding and cultivation, especially of onions, garlic and chili. The inhabitants' income is derived from the export of cattle, sea products and food crops, but it is largely in deficit when compared to the costs of the imported products.

and La Belle Rodriguaise at Graviers provide accommodation in Rodrigues island.


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