Rochester Falls

Published on : 2022 - Oct - 22

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Mauritius Blog

Features information that is relevant to travellers who are thinking about and actively planning a visit to Mauritus.

Rochester Falls
Rochester Falls

Rochester Falls is a found in the Savanne district of . It is highly popular for its rectangular flank rocks. It tumbles from a height of about 10 m. The fall is one of the most popular tourist and the widest waterfall in Mauritius. It serves as an ideal spot for a quick refreshing plunge or a quiet picnic break.

The breathtaking scenery, cascading , pools of clear water, and luxuriant greeneries surrounding the region, makes it a wonderful site to see and a relaxing experience.

There are two access points; one at the top of the waterfall and another which leads you to the bottom. The rugged terrain can be quite challenging as you drive or walk to the waterfalls. The routes to the waterfalls are indicated with signs so it should be fairly easy to locate.

Rochester Falls
Rochester Falls

It is advisable to avoid visiting the Rochester Falls during the heavy rainy seasons (beginning of the year) since the water level and torrent can reach dangerous levels. The water becomes muddy at times and also makes the area quite muddy and slippery. Beware of the mosquito bites as well. It is advisable to bring along your mosquito repellent with you.

With its scenic location, the Rochester Falls is a great place for photo buffs to get pictures of daredevil jumpers who fling themselves off the rocks.


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