Pointe Canon Mathurin Viewpoint

Published on : 2023 - Apr - 22

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Mauritius Blog @Mauritius101.com.

Features information that is relevant to travellers who are thinking about and actively planning a visit to Mauritus.

Port Mathurin
Port Mathurin

is located in Port Mathurin and was used as a watch area during the British ruling. Nowadays, it serves as both a panoramic viewpoint and religious site. Pointe Canon has more than 300 inhabitants.

The place got its name from a cannon, placed on a promontory to monitor and protect the harbor. At the time, this “point” was appropriate, because erected on the heights of Port Mathurin, it was the ideal place to scan the horizons and thus detect the approach of enemy ships.

In the early 1950s, money was raised to buy a statue of the Virgin Mary from England to create a monument similar to Marie Reine de la Paix in . The statue was then inaugurated in 1954. The statue, named Marie, Queen of , is 6 feet tall. Every August 15, the Rodriguans attend mass at the foot of the statue to commemorate the inauguration of the statue. It is not just a gathering site for the Catholics of the island, but is also a popular tourist site.

From this viewpoint you will get a panoramic view of the whole capital including the market, bus terminal, the azure blue lagoon, harbor and neighboring villages. The place also offers a panoramic view of the bus station, and the Winston Hill bridge. You can also witness disembarkation of the goods at the mooring of the MV Anna or the in port.

Pointe Canon also hosts the headquarters of the meteorological station. It is from this old observatory of the English era that the population receives the predictions of the weather.

The place is also a meeting place for French expatriates in Rodrigues to mark the French National Day.

There is a parking area next to the hairpin bend beside .

Escale Vacances, Lacaze TiMay, Le Flamboyant Hotel , Hebergement Vue Sur Mer, Hebergement Fatehmamode and Chez Jenny,Villa Le Chapo are some of the accommodations near Pont Canon.


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