Parc Francois Leguat

Published on : 2022 - Aug - 13

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Mauritius Blog

Features information that is relevant to travellers who are thinking about and actively planning a visit to Mauritus.

Parc Francois Leguat
Parc Francois Leguat

You can take a guided tour through Parc Francois Leguat valley filled with hundreds of giant tortoises, tropical birds and tens of thousands of native trees. You can also explore Grande Caverne where you will view the majestic limestone formations.

Giant Tortoises
Rodrigues used to have the highest density of land tortoises to have ever existed on planet earth. In about 100 years both of Rodrigues' endemic species became extinct as they were taken away on ships or killed for meat and oil between 1730 and 1770. Almost 280,000 tortoises were destroyed.

In 2006 and 2007, Francois Leguat Ltd reintroduced two species of tortoises (Aldabra and Radiated Tortoises) that are the closest living tortoise species to the extinct Rodrigues tortoises. There is now a feel of prehistory as one strolls through the Reserve and interacts with the giant tortoises.

Recently a third species, the Ploughshare Tortoise has been introduced under an agreement with the Government of Madagascar.

The Caves

The Caves
The Caves

The Reserve is located in the south western part of Rodrigues, a unique landscape of limestone features including 9 impressive caves and dolines. Grande Caverne is the only electrified “Show Cave” done to international standards with the help of an Australian cave consultant.

Native Flora

Native Flora
Native Flora

Rodrigues' native flora has suffered massively since the colonization of Rodrigues. Many native plants only survived in remote and inaccessible areas such as on cliff faces.

Since the 1980s, there has been a growing effort to save what is left of Rodrigues' native flora, led mostly by the Mauritian Wildlife Foundation. Since 2005, Francois Leguat Ltd has established a reforestation project aiming at planting 300,000 seedlings of 40 native species in the Reserve.

And Souvenir Shop

Restaurant And Souvenir Shop

The restaurant offers delicious cuisine, the fresh local juices and cocktails. The souvenir shop offers an array of products that will remind all the visitors of the wonderful time spent at the Reserve and Rodrigues.

The Francois Leguat Museum

The Francois Leguat Museum
The Francois Leguat Museum

The Reserve houses a museum depicting the human, faunal and geological history of Rodrigues. Hundreds of local and international school children visit the Reserve every year and the Museum is a wonderful pedagogical tool to initiate an interest and concern for the natural environment.

Ecological Action
Conservation in Rodrigues

Conservation in Rodrigues
Conservation in Rodrigues

Unfortunately, the threat posed by introduced plants and animals still exists today. The reintroduction of giant tortoises strengthened the native ecosystem.

The restored native forests already present an immense contrast to the barren landscape of the majority of the island today. Francois Leguat Reserve is raising awareness of the importance of the native biodiversity and the need for such conservation initiatives, as well as providing a hugely enjoyable and educational visit in scenic surroundings for tourists and locals alike.


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