Mont Limon

Published on : 2023 - Jul - 15

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Mauritius Blog

Features information that is relevant to travellers who are thinking about and actively planning a visit to Mauritus.

Mont Limon

If you want to have a panoramic 360° view over the island, then you go to Mont Limon. This is the highest point of the island at 1,300 ft above sea level, and is situated at the heart of the island. It is easy to access because it is close to . Sometimes the top of the mountain will be covered with fog and it may be chilly due to the altitude.

Due to the hilly landscape of , it literally takes less than 5 minutes to reach the summit. There's no parking lot but you can leave your car on the other side of the road. The path is well-marked and easy to follow thanks to the orange and purple markings.

Green forest in Mont Limon
Green forest in Mont Limon

Beside magnificent views of the island, you also get to see the gorgeous geological relief, agricultural terraces, and the azure blue ocean.The temperature there is slightly elevated, and due to this, there is plenty of lush green vegetation.

Most people only visit the main viewpoint but once you get to the summit, take the path on your right and you'll find other scenic lookout points.


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