Mauritius Underwater Sea Walk

Published on : 2024 - Jul - 27

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Mauritius Blog

Features information that is relevant to travellers who are thinking about and actively planning a visit to Mauritus.

Underwater Sea Walk

The Underwater Sea Walk is one of the most unique that one must experience when visiting . It is a good experience for all the non divers.

The underwater walk is a safe and fascinating walk on the ocean bed (about 3-4m depth), where you can witness firsthand the marine life of Mauritius, the beautiful fauna, corals, and a wide variety of fish, all in their natural habitat. The Walk does not require any knowledge of or diving and you are not even required to remove your glasses.

Underwater Sea Walk
Underwater Sea Walk

A helmet with a transparent visor is placed on your head. This equipment weighs 45 kg. You should be strong enough to carry this weight on your shoulders. A special apparatus allows normal breathing under the water. This trip is not recommended for pregnant women. Life Guards assist in taking you underwater and accompany you throughout the walk to guarantee your maximum safety. Total time of the excursion is approx. one hour (walk itself takes about 12-15 minutes).

The operating hours of the sea walk are between 9:00 and 14:30. You should have your own swimming costume and a towel.


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