Mauritius an overview

Published on : 2021 - Sep - 04

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Mauritius Blog

Features information that is relevant to travellers who are thinking about and actively planning a visit to Mauritus.

Mauritius map

is an island in the Indian Ocean about 2,000 kilometers off the southeast coast of the African continent, east of Madagascar.  It includes  , Agaléga and, the St. Brandon islands.   is the capital and the largest city where most of the population is concentrated.

In 1598 the Dutch took possession of Mauritius and abandoned it in 1710. France took control in 1715. In 1810, Great Britain seized the island and four years later France ceded Mauritius and its dependencies to Great Britain. It became independent in 1968.

of Mauritius are highly diverse in ethnicity, culture, language, and faith. It is the only country in Africa where Hinduism is the most practiced .

World Bank classifies Mauritius as a  high-income economy. The country is a welfare state. The provides free health care, free education up through the tertiary level, and free public transportation for students, senior citizens, and the disabled.

A panoramic view of Mauritius Island
A panoramic view of Mauritius Island

Your travel here can satisfy your short break for shopping, partying, sunbathing, fine dining, sporting events, and


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