Le Pouce Mauritius

Published on : 2022 - Dec - 10

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Mauritius Blog @Mauritius101.com.

Features information that is relevant to travellers who are thinking about and actively planning a visit to Mauritus.

Panoramic view of Mauritius from Le Pouce
Panoramic view of Mauritius from Le Pouce

Le Pouce is the third highest mountain in Mauritius, at 812 meters. It is named Le Pouce because of the thumb-shaped peak of the mountain. It can be viewed from the capital of Mauritius, Port Louis, and is a popular hike for the view of the city. The mountain is in the and is closest to the village of La Laura-Malenga in the District. Charles Darwin ascended the mountain on 2 May 1836.

The view of Port Louis from the summit
The view of Port Louis from the summit

Le Pouce was formed ten million years ago from volcano eruptions.It has the capital city of Port Louis on one side and St. Pierre on the other. Le Pouce Mountain will offer you a splendid panorama of Le Morne, Coin de Mire, the capital city, and other sites on the island. It is nestled between Montagne des Signaux and .

A view of The Thumb
A view of The Thumb

The trek to the top of Le Pouce is considered an easy hike. But the ascent is very steep, especially near the thumb. Le Pouce can be reached from Moka or Port Louis. Climbing gear is not needed. From the peak one can see Port Louis, Moka, and , as well as many other places around the island.

During your hike to the summit you can explore the flora-covered mountain, and discover exotic plants as well as some rare and unique endemic species.

When you reach the first plateau you can choose to continue on the left and down to Port Louis or the right towards the top of the mountain. Higher up you will find a second plateau, an esplanade, where you can relax and enjoy the view before continuing to the top. The final ascent is steeper and requires some dexterity and fitness.

The start of the trail for Le Pouce is located in Petit Verger near the village of Saint Pierre in the Moka region.There is no sign post at the starting point of the trail. You can locate it with the help of the map or directions from the locals. There is a small car park with enough room to fit four to five cars.


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