La Cuvette Beach

Published on : 2022 - May - 14

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Mauritius Blog

Features information that is relevant to travellers who are thinking about and actively planning a visit to Mauritus.

La Cuvette Public Beach
La Cuvette Beach

La Cuvette Beach is not as well known as hundreds of other beaches in . It is located in the residential area of , (or ) village in the district of Rivière du Rempart at the north of Mauritius. Grand Bay is a very popular holiday destination in Mauritius.

La Cuvette Beach has a simple charm without any extravagant maze-cut hedges or sculptures by the best of craftsmen. The visitors will have to find beauty in nature without any extravagance.

La Cuvette Beach
La Cuvette Beach

Until recently the beach was mostly known only to the local residents and a few tourists in the immediate neighbourhood, mainly from the Royal Palm Hotel next door. Recently a sign post was erected on the main road showing its location. After the erection of the sign post the beach is experiencing more visitors.

From April up to June La Cuvette enjoys sunny weather. From July up to October often there are severe thunderstorms, along with torrential rain that quite often floods the roads. During these times, visiting the beach is not recommended. The Mauritian warns visitors to the beach to be careful during the months of July to October.

There are many excellent hotels in the vicinity of the beach, such as Veranda Grand Baie Hotel and Spa and Mauricia Beachcomber Resort and Spa. Besides there are several local stalls that offer the best of local Mauritian Cuisine.


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