Ile Aux Cocos

Published on : 2023 - May - 20

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Mauritius Blog

Features information that is relevant to travellers who are thinking about and actively planning a visit to Mauritus.

Ile aux Cocos Rodrigues

This is an islet which is also known for its sandy necklace beach encircling its shores, is located at 4 km to the west of Rodrigues. It is one and a half kilometre long and 250 metres wide.  

Ile aux Cocos was declared a nature reserve in 1986. Therefore the authorities control the number of people visiting at a time. This means that you won't have to fight with hundreds of tourists for a strip of sand.

You are only allowed a maximum of 4 hours on the island so as to not disturb the birds' natural habitat.

Tours usually depart from and the boat trip lasts for about 1 hour. Depending on the tour company, a visit to Ile aux Cocos will cost between US$ 23.75 and 37.50 and includes the boat trip, lunch, and guided visit of the island.

Ile Aux Cocos
Ile Aux Cocos

Ile Aux Cocos is also a . The birds come and stay on the island during the summer, and at this time, up to 4500 birds can be seen on the island. The islet can be accessed by pirogue only with an authorization delivered by . Authorised operators have access to the island for the day. It is forbidden to light fires on the island and only partial access is allowed to ensure the tranquility of the birds and their nestlings.

The islet is home to several species of seabirds including the lesser noddy, noddy, , and fairy tern.

Two guards permanently stay on the island to keep an eye over the island. Thanks to these controls, the island remains a reproduction site for the species.

The neighbouring island, île aux Sables, which provides shelter to thousands of birds, is completely shut off to the public. In addition, fishing in the islets' surroundings is not authorized so as to preserve the food resources of the birds that are fond of squids and small fishes.

Ile Aux Cocos
Ile Aux Cocos

Scuba Diving programme for beginners in the marine park (2-5 meters). Qualified and licensed divers can perform exploration dives in the marine park (depth 5-10 meters). Depending on sea conditions experienced divers can perform scuba diving at Trou Mootoo, outside the lagoon.

Snorkelling and glass bottom boats will take you to the ship wreck outside the Blue Bay zone which is approximately about 10-15 minute boat ride. The one hour trip includes swimming and snorkelling.

A speed boat trip can be arranged  to 1 or 2 hours depending on guest requirements. The trip will include visits to the famous islands of Iles aux Phares, île de la Passe and île aux Aigrettes. The first two islands for sightseeing and pictures and to watch îles aux Aigrettes from the boat itself. Boat capacity: 20 Pax (Minimum 4 pax per trip).


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