Grande Montagne Nature Reserve

Published on : 2023 - Mar - 04

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Grande Montagne Nature Reserve
Grande Montagne Nature Reserve

This nature reserve, one of the last remaining stands of forest on , crowns the island's summit. It is located in the high , in the central eastern part of Rodrigues.

has planted more than 200,000 native plant species across more than 25 hectares. Around 84% of the 25.5 ha fenced area at Grande Montagne has been restored to date and the aim of MWF is to complete the initial restoration of this reserve within the next few years. Over 156,516 plants have been planted in the reserve by MWF. So far 40 rare Rodriguan plant species are successfully conserved on Grande Montagne.

Grande Montagne Nature Reserve
Grande Montagne Nature Reserve

The population of the has been increased to reach 8,000 individuals, whilst 4,000 Rodrigues Warbler have been added as a part of the habitat restoration on Grande Montagne.

The restoration of this ecosystem has ensured the survival of the Rodrigues fody and the Rodrigues warbler bird species, as well as the Rodrigues . The reserve is also the only remaining habitat of the endemic Rodrigues Aloe.

The reserve is included in the Rodrigues Environmental Education Programme where students visit and are taught about the reserve and its importance.

The MWF runs free guided tours weekdays and Saturdays. You can get the useful (and free) Grande Montagne Nature Reserve Field Guide from the information centre at the entrance to help you with plant and bird identification.

Grande Montagne Nature Reserve
Grande Montagne Nature Reserve

Tours are conducted at 9.30 a.m and 1.15 p.m from Monday to Friday and at 9.30 a.m on Saturday. The tour lasts for about two hours.
At about ¾ of the trail there is a view point where you'll get one of the best panoramic views of the southeast coast. At the education center you can view a display of the and giant tortoise skeletons.

One section also serves as a little tortoise park where you'll get to see five tortoises roaming about freely.


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