Caverne Patate

Published on : 2023 - Aug - 26

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Mauritius Blog

Features information that is relevant to travellers who are thinking about and actively planning a visit to Mauritus.

Caverne Patate

There are 2,000 feet of and , which decorate the cave of more than 1000 meters long. The cave is located in the village of . The relief and the tints of the vault are the principal charms that fill one with wonder.Usually guides will accompany you with electric torch, as there is no artificial light inside the cave. The last visit is at 3 p.m. It is advisable for you to carry your own torch as well in case you get lost in the trail.

Caverne Patate

The tourists are allowed to go inside the cave on their own, without taking the help of a guide, but a guided tour is recommended if you're interested in knowing more about the cave and the various formations inside it. Some places in the cave could be slippery and require some tricky maneuvering. This is where the guide can help you to get through the slippery parts. You may want to wear shoes with good grip and take a light jacket.

Caverne Patate
Caverne Patate

Literally translating to ‘', it is now famous as the longest limestone cave not just in , but in the entirety of as well. A visit to the Caverne Patate is a visit to a place that is as old as time itself.

is home to quite a few caves and caverns which were used in the ancient times by pirates to hoard their treasure.

You need a permit issued by your hotel in Rodrigues or by the “Terres” office in Port-Mathurin to access the cave. As for the natural site, it is accessible 4 times a day: 9 am, 11 am, 1 pm and 3 pm. Helmets are mandatory during the visit. Torches are also supplied with helmets at the entrance.

Caverne Patate
Caverne Patate


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