Anse Mourouk

Published on : 2024 - Sep - 07

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Mauritius Blog

Features information that is relevant to travellers who are thinking about and actively planning a visit to Mauritus.

Anse Mourouk
Anse Mourouk

Anse Mourouk is another white sandy beach in Mourouk village in . The ocean is mostly shallow and the sea bottom is flat making it one of the best spots on the island. This is also where the Rodrigues is held annually. This Kite Festival is an event created and organized by the Rodrigues Kitesurf Association with the support of the Ministry of , and the sponsors.

Kite Surf Festival
Kite Surf Festival

Balanced by a constant wind almost all year round, the kitesurf spot, Anse Mourouk' is ideally located on a shallow turquoise lagoon for the practice of this sliding sport in complete safety in exceptional sailing conditions.

During this competition, Rodrigues will be vibrating to the rhythm of its kitesurf festival. Many experienced kitesurfing enthusiasts as well as experienced amateurs from the islands of the region and other parts of the world will perform for five days challenging each other in impressive aerial figures out of the waves.

There are many kitesurfing schools on the island which shows the popularity of kitesurfing in the region.

Kite Surf Festival
Kite Surf Festival


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