Port Louis

Published on : 2024 - Jul - 13

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Mauritius Blog @Mauritius101.com.

Features information that is relevant to travellers who are thinking about and actively planning a visit to Mauritus.

Caudan Waterfront

Port Louis is the capital city and main port of . It is also the largest city in Mauritius. Port Louis was constructed in the year 1735 by the noted French governor, Mahe de Labourdonnais.
The Port is named in honour of King Louis XV.

Port Louis Moka Range
Port Louis

Port Louis is surrounded by a mountain range, called the Port Louis Moka Range. Mauritius Capital Port Louis has conserved many historic and colonial buildings through the years. One of them is a fortification named Fort Adelaide or La Citadelle, built by the British in 1835.

Port Louis Central Market
Port Louis Central Market

The main tourist in Port Louis include the Caudan Waterfront, Port Louis Bazaar, Police Barracks, the Mauritian Chinatown and the old Port Louis theatre.

There are three museums: the Blue Penny Museum, the Mauritius Natural History Museum and the Mauritius Stamp Museum.

Mauritian Chinatown
Mauritian Chinatown

The economy of the city is dominated by its financial centre, port facilities, and the manufacturing sector which include textiles, chemicals, plastics and pharmaceuticals. Port Louis has the biggest port facility in the Indian Ocean region and one of Africa's major financial centres.


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